Our mission is to help moms gain the flexibility to work from home, and create financial independence, without sacrificing time with their children. This enables us to create the lifestyle that most moms only dream of.
Our mission is to help moms gain the flexibility to work from home, and create financial independence, without sacrificing time with their children. This enables us to create the lifestyle that most moms only dream of.
We are a team of like-minded individuals who are self-motivated, compassionate and driven to enhance the lives of those we touch. We are dedicated to helping everyday moms, just like you, find the perfect balance between work and family.
Over 5.4 million women put their careers on hold to stay home with children. If you are one of them, we can help you create an income without taking away from being a mom because, after all, being home matters.
I am an Occupational Therapist by degree. I tried for 6 years to have children. Once I did, I wanted to be a stay at home mom. After 2 years of not earning any income while staying home with the kids, it got very hard financially. So with a 2 1/2 year old and 1 1/2 year old twins, I began to search for how I could earn income working from home
We now have a 15 year old, 14 year old twins and a 12 year old. Life is full and busy but I am happy and have a PEACE of mind. I am not stressed at all about finances. I thank God for my business. I love what I do and I love my life. I am on a mission to help others have the same!Jen C.
This business changed my outlook on life and helped me to dream again. It is a great lever to use to propel yourself from one kind of life to another. Personally, it propelled me from stay-at-home mom struggling to pay the bills to bringing in an additional six figure income stream to our home. For others on my team, it has served as a lever to move into a different type of house to stay-at-home as a single mom to create a life after divorce. The part of this business that impresses me the most is, that regardless your background, if you have determination, a strong work ethic and a desire to achieve you can propel yourself from anywhere that you currently are to anywhere that you want to be!Rachelle F.
I have a Master's Degree in Education, am a certified personal trainer, and most importantly a mom to four children. After our first child was born, we quickly found out we were expecting twins. We tried for a few years to have more children and instead ran into complications. Our fourth child was born severely premature. The various doctors, nurses, and therapists that were needed deplete our savings and put us in debt. I had to find a way to be home with our children and still financially help our family. In 2008, I had found the solution that allowed me to do that. This business has made amazing changes to our home, life, health, and future. Today, I am the MOM I always wanted to be. I attend my children's school functions, I join in with their activities, I am available for all football, basketball, volleyball, cheerleading, dance, and baseball games. "Being Home Matters" is the motto I choose to live by and being part of this business has helped that become reality.Carrie O.
I am a mom, wife and a full time daycare provider! I was sick of living paycheck to paycheck. I have been able to find a way to make an extra stream of income in the pockets of my busy life! I am loving the opportunity of paying off debt instead of always creating it. I am more excited now for my families future than ever before. When I'm not working I enjoy spending time with my family, working out and being outdoors!Amanda W.
Hi! I am a mom of one and have my bachelor's degree in health and wellness. I have a huge passion for everything health and wellness due to my whole family having Lyme disease and my son being diagnosed with Autism at a young age. This gave me the flexibility in my schedule I was looking for and the ability to educate people.I love meeting new people and spending time with my family and cats.Shari H.
I'm a wife, full time mom of 4, and ER nurse. I have been a nurse for almost 10 years working full time nights. Never did I dream that I would be able to find something that allowed me to stay home with my kids, work from home, and continue to touch people's lives. That's why I became a nurse; I love helping people and this company has allowed me to touch people's life and make a difference in their life with out working long 12 hour night shifts!Nicole W.
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You can reach me directly at 847-530-5999 or by email at kathyarosner@gmail.com